Garden as a performing art

With Bryan Boccard, botanist gardener

The philosophy and aesthetic of Japanese gardens, English gardens, The aesthetic of hardscaping, Hazel weawing… Bryan will discuss why gardening  deserves to be considered a performing art, touching on theatric elements in the garden such as creating a yearlong story, building moments of drama and suspense, and using plants as actors that can fill many different roles. You will also learn how to create a bloom calendar to ensure year-round interest and theme consistency for your garden performance.

Cet événement est organisé dans le cadre de L'été au Jardin (consulter le programme).

Informations pratiques

Maison du jardin – Jardin Botanique Alpin
Chemin du Jardin- Alpin 9
1217 Meyrin

Tram 14 + 18 et bus 57- arrêt Jardin Alpin-Vivarium
Tram 18 arrêt Bois-du-Lan

Conférence en anglais

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